Can someone please explain to me what a service integrator is?
Buzzwords - a new "IT word" every week.
From the cloud to digital transformation, Scrum, DevOps to SIAM and now the service integrator. Not a week goes by without a new IT buzzword. So today we are looking at the latter, the service integrator. What does the service integrator have in common with a construction site supervisor? It turns out a lot. It is the easiest way to explain what a service integrator does.
The construction site supervisor and the service integrator
Cost pressure, quality and the often missing overall responsibility play an essential role in IT. In construction, as we Austrians like to say, it has long been recognized that an additional authority is required to coordinate the suppliers and customers involved in the sense of end-to-end responsibility – a construction site supervision.
The “building supervision” controls the construction work on behalf of the client, as the client usually does not have the necessary experience and competence. Basically, the interaction, the orchestration and the suppliers involved are monitored and controlled.
In the course of the execution, the site supervision ensures that all providers / suppliers provide the services specified in the contract and regulates possible deviations from them. She is also responsible for the following activities:
- Representation of the client’s interests
- Coordination & control of the executing companies
- Financial Management & Controlling
- Defects are identified and rectified – Continual Service Improvement.
SIAM: a management model for controlling several service providers
Service Integration And Management (SIAM) is a management model for controlling multiple service providers in IT outsourcing. All right? Do you now dare to use the Service Integrator in your IT conversations? If you have any further questions about SIAM and multi-provider management, the experts at Blueponte will be happy to help.
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